I am inspired to write what I recently heard about pigeons. The plague of pigeons is a completely human made event and is a reflection on the human race.
A study was done on how pigeon population could be controlled. They set out to educate people about feeding them and did a little trick, starting a breeding program and invited known pigeon feeders to take care of a controlled group of pigeons. What they thought they would find is that due to the controlling of the population that there would be less pigeons. Bt what they actually found was that the feeders stopped feeding the pigeons in their area and the population went down. It had nothing to do with how they were kept but everything to do with who was feeding them and including them in a community.
Pigeons were essential as messengers for so long and when they became obsolete they were set free. They mirror a whole part of the population, those who are obsolete, outcast, not accepted by society. They are considered dirty and it is disgusting the messes they leave everywhere…who are we talking about?
Pigeons are an amazing animal that has the ability to find its way from almost anywhere. They are keenly tuned into the earth and are an amazing messenger for her. They are the symbol of peace (dove), and are ubiquitous in cities worldwide.
I was amazed by this story and how there are groups of people who are sending their messages through pigeons. And how neutral pigeons are in delivering them.
I have always thought that they sounded like old men when they coo. I currently have a cat, Ralfie who coos just like a pigeon. I wonder if the term pigeon English comes from the idea that you will always find your way home if you talk like that.