It has been 11 years today since Minoux took her next step. She was one of the most amazing animals I have ever met. I first met this wonderful Apple-head Blue Point Siamese on my birthday in NYC, where I was living at the time. I had gone to a cat shelter named Bide-a-Wee to say hello to all the kitties. It is a habit of mine to go and cheer lead cats at shelters. I think it helps to keep the energy moving if you can acknowledge that their people will be coming for them soon.
Minoux was in the back on a cage and all I heard was this amazing sound. If you have ever heard a Siamese meow you know what I am talking about! She looked a mess but was so intriguing! I asked what her story was and I as told that she had been left at the corner of 2nd Ave and 38th Street tied to a lamppost. They also said that she was at least 12 years old. She had stopped eating and was not doing well at all. Really what more did I need to hear?
I fostered her so that she would have a home but the shelter would cover the vet care. They said she probably wouldn't live more than a couple of months.
3 1/2 years later Minoux took her next step just 2 weeks before I moved to Chicago. I think that was really my first conscious animal communication. She and I decided that she was not strong enough physically and I was not strong enough emotionally for her to make the move with me. So, after a 3-year bout with kidney disease she took her next step. With me was an amazing, dear friend who took the day off from work to be with us. I still have Minoux's ashes. They are in a beautiful box made by another dear friend. I think she was such an amazing reflection of love and friendship. She was magical.
I feel that her passing allowed me to take my next step, too! I was able to come to Chicago emotionally energized by all of the support I received in New York.
Thank you Minoux! You are the best and did such a great job in paving my way to animal communication!
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