I never met you but I have come to know you through the most amazing bird. Your bird, Easy. She has come into my life and brightened my days in the short time we have known each other.
Easy is silly and funny and full of energy. Always ready to make me laugh. Always ready to drive me crazy chewing on my necklace an earrings. Yelling when she wants to come out and flying around to make sure she doesn’t miss anything. Always trying to get away with eating whatever she has on my shoulder.
Sadly Easy is coming to her own end. She has congestive heart failure and is getting weaker everyday. It saddens me that I will not have more time with her but the time we have had had been of such high quality it is as if we have jammed years into these few months. We have become friends who have known each other for years, for lifetimes.
Mary you raised an incredible little bird. Her manners are her own but she would never hurt anyone. Never peck harder than a small pinch to let you know that she did not like what you were doing. Easy will always step up and give kisses really no matter how she is feeling.
I have loved watching her eat beans and popcorn, her absolute favorite food out there. She has tried to hop into the bowl on several occasions. We have sat together with a dishtowel on my lap to help keep her joyful mess contained.

I cannot thank you enough for the time we have shared and I know that where you are Mary you have a bird ready to see you again. There is so much that I understand about death and taking next steps but when it all comes to pass it is still hard to make that separation seem truly unreal.
I don’t know when Easy is going to leave this world but I know that there is a place that will be complete upon her arrival. I see her fading into all that is whole and one creating a light so beautiful it is hard to focus and sustain. Knowing that that true beauty is within me (within all of us).
May I be able to participate in this amazing next step with ease and grace and wholeness that has always been part of me and follow Easy’s gentle lead.
Thank you Mary for sharing this precious gift. I see you happy and complete after a difficult time here. May I share in your completeness and wholeness.

I received Easy from my friend Lisa who took her in from her terminally ill neighbor, Mary, just a month before she died. That is who the letter is to. I have had the pleasure of living with Easy for the past 11 months. She has been there through my transition from a job I had for 10 years and into my first home purchase and move. Easy has been a part of my readings and healings and has helped me and all of my animals, bringing amusement and fun throughout all of our changes and adjustments. Easy always lived in the moment.
She died in my hands today and I am glad that she is no longer struggling to breathe.
All is well now. xoxo All my Love to you, Easy.