There is no suffering in love. There is no suffering in love. It seems that statement needs to be repeated each time it is expressed. There is no suffering in love. Where do we find that feeling? How to we experience this idea? How do we have this truth in our lives? This is the essence of animal communication to me. This is what animals.... all animals…are trying to tell us. Are telling us. There isn’t any trying involved. It is the constant frequency they are broadcasting. What does it take for us to hear that frequency? Do they need to be lost? Broken? Mean? Abused? Where is it that we need to see that there is no suffering in love?
2 of my cats are disabled. One was hit by a car and the other attacked by a dog. The first, Francy, lost all the nerve function in her face, her ears don’t move, she doesn’t blink and her whiskers don’t move.

The second, Ralfie, lost an eye, lost sight in the other eye and broke her jaw, so her tongue sticks out all the time. I met them at a time when I felt like they looked. Broken. When I went to meet them they were considered unadoptable. Just like me. When I decided to adopt them in my enthusiasm I asked the adoption coordinator if I needed to do anything to make sure that no one else adopted them before I got back, He laughed and said that no one else was going to take them and not to worry. I was a puzzled until I remembered that they we were broken.

They were great contributors to me becoming an animal communicator. And through all of my training and practice it took years to finally hear how their injuries came about. How did it all happen? How did it all go down? They each answered in the same way at different times. They both said “I got the call”. “I was having my life and I knew I had to get to you but I didn’t know how. Then I got the call that you were ready. So I found the road and stepped in front of a car because that is how you could see me”, said Francy. Ralfie told a similar story. She got the call and found a neighborhood dog and asked for a favor, injure but do not kill. The dog obliged and Ralfie was brought to
Treehouse in a plastic storage container. I would not have seen her any other way. She is a beautiful cat and if she were not injured I would have passed her by. But they found each other and then found me. They found me 3 weeks after I moved to Chicago. It was a miracle.
The story of Francy and Ralfie is completely about no suffering in love. They have not suffered in their injuries, they have loved. They knew where they were going and chose to love through what others may call hardship or grievous injury.
I live with these 2 beautiful girls who now show very few signs that there is anything wrong with them but who love with great abandon anyone who comes through the door. They are my light and truth that there is no suffering in love. They show me everyday that animals are telling us that all the time.
There is no suffering in love.
So next time you are out in the world, with people or with animals, as you gaze into thier eyes simply say to yourself there is no suffering in love and see how the world changes.
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