Yesterday was the first day that the guinea pigs have enjoyed the fresh air and grass at the shore of lake Michigan since last year. It was the earliest we have been out with the unseasonably warm temperatures here in Chicago. Usually we are not out until May.

One of my favorite pastimes is to sit at the lake with the pigs and some good friends. Last summer I had 4 guinea pigs and caused quite a stir when I with my stroller full of pigs pulled in. I have met some fabulous people who are curious and thrilled to see these guys out and about. Their pictures have been taken by tourists from other countries and are now, I guess world renowned. I met a couple of people from Peru who had never seen guinea pigs as pets, only as food.

I think some Americans might have the same experience with chickens! They were impressed at how cute they were and said they would remember that.

This year I am 2 pigs lighter (future posts will tell the stories of Jasper and Pi). But I am still planning on a summer by the lake with my beloved
Fermi and Agape. As you can see I keep them separate. They don't get along all that well, especially when there is all that tasty grass to claim!

I am hoping for a beautiful summer (my favorite season) giving plenty of days to be at the lake and meeting even more amazing people.
So, if you are in Chicago and would like to participate in a pig lake day I try to post it on
Facebook . We'd be happy to have your company! Maybe I will try and get virtual about it and take some video next time.
in joy!
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