
Thursday, September 19, 2013

Celebrating 5/9ths Today

Nine years ago my beautiful baby boy Five was born. It was an auspicious day. I had just begun a very deep spiritual training that has brought about more changes than I can even begin to fathom and am still benefitting from.

Five came into my life early November 2004. He came in under very sad circumstances. I had just suddenly lost my beloved cat Zephyr to a fatal fall off of my mantel. Francy, Ralfie and I were in desperate need of life,  new young innocent kitten life.

At 8 Weeks old I met Five at Anti-Cruelty in downtown Chicago. I was unsure if I was doing the right thing adopting a baby kitten so close to the death of Zephyr.  Five was very patient, playing in my purse as I had my existential crisis. Then I looked at him and he told me he was ready and so was I. The match was made.

Five is named for my favorite number. It is a symbol of freedom and that is definitely what Five (the cat) stands for. He has always been my greatest advocate for spiritual growth. My clients know him well as he hops between my lap and theirs during a reading session.
He is probably the hardest working cat I know. I always know that when I fly Five will be in the cockpit making sure that everything goes smoothly. He patrols my house and if there is ever any noise that is out of the ordinary he is the first to reassure. He helps many animals that I work with through my animal communication to feel at ease and relax. My DBF (dear boyfriend) enjoys hearing Five’s reports on the house, food situation and other cats’ activities.

Every year that I spend with Five I learn more about him and find more love. Thank you Five for bringing your amazing healing gifts to my home and sharing them with not only me but my clients, too.

In honor of your special day, FIve, I hope you enjoy your brand new litter box. A practical gift for a practical cat.

(FIve while writing blog post. He sat right there until post was complete.)

Wednesday, September 11, 2013


My friend Cynthia Malaran put the site Watching The Changes
together just days after September 11, 2001. It is a montage of images she took from her bedroom in NYC over the course of many years ending, suddenly, on 9/11/01.

As the years pass I find that this is still one of the most powerful representations of the experience. It has distance but is no less haunting. The images may be small but no less graphic. We are allowed a peek into another perspective.

We were shown so clearly that day our next step. It continues to take years for us to understand what that means for each of us, individually. People tell me of their remembrance rituals in honor of that day; some fly, some pray, some take stock in all the joy in their lives.

Thank you Cynthia for showing this innocent vulnerable side and keeping it alive so that we may continue to learn and grow. May we never forget all of the opportunities presented to us for forgiveness and continue to be filled with love.

Monday, May 20, 2013

It Happened Again!

I thought I would take my winnings from the Kentucky Derby and put a little money on the Preakness. Why not go for the Triple Crown!

I looked over the Horses and decided that I would take a chance on Titletown Five (Five is my favorite number, after all), a bit on Orb to show (he did made it clear after the Kentucky Derby that he was not going to win the next one), and I looked for a third horse, browsing through all the names.

The only other to stand out was Oxbow. I remembered that I had always bought Oxbow hay for my guinea pigs, so why not give him a shot? So, I made a wager. 15-1, Oxbow was a long shot.

Wouldn't you know, that guinea pig picked horse won the race, AGAIN! Thank you, sweet little, Pi!

We will see what happens at the Belmont Stakes!

My Guinea Pig Made Me Gamble

In 2007 I adopted a guinea pig that looked just like a horse.  He had a big blaze on his nose and a star on his forehead.  I named him Pi after the horse in National Velvet. 

After a few weeks of living with me he declared that he used to be a horse but he didn’t like standing around alone in a pasture all the time.  He chose a guinea pig body because he really liked hay.  He was still working on the size difference and thanked me for taking care and listening to him.

Just before the 2008 Kentucky Derby Pi made another declaration.  "Big Brown is going to win but watch out for the filly". I decided that I would find out how I could place a bet and then proceeded to go completely unconscious and forgot completely.

The next day I found out that Big Brown did win and that the filly (which rarely run) tragically died after breaking 2 ankles; euthanized on the track. WOW!

I asked him how he knew this stuff and he told me he knew Big Brown from other horse lives.  It was then that I began to see the connection of horses and guinea pigs. 

My, experience up till then, has been very much on the guinea pig side but the following summer I went out to a few stables and began to see so many of these horses that had been guinea pigs and vice-versa.  I was amazed at the size difference but there is a great similarity in how they live and what they eat and their social behavior.

In the years since I have always checked in with the Kentucky Derby, sometimes picking the winner but not placing a bet. Finally, last year when I took the plunge to bet I had no sense of who was even running!

But this year, while waiting for a table at one of my favorite restaurants w/*, I found a list of the horses and gave a short glance. Orb was my favorite and of course Golden Soul! This time I took the challenge and placed my bet. There was a lot of energy on that. Odds, trustworthy places to bet, is this legal?

I tuned in for the race and there it all happened! From behind, Orb took the whole show and amazingly Golden Soul came in 2nd!

Pi passed away 4 years ago and when he died I saw him as an amazing horse bounding away. I am so pleased that he turned me onto this amazing communication with horses.

I dedicate my winnings to my sweet, beautiful guinea pig, Velvet Brown Pi.

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Free Reading - Do You Dare?

Good News!
I am extending my Facebook offer to you. By signing up
for your new adventure in meditation you will receive a free 30-minute reading
with me or Elizabeth, the founder of Seven Levels Coaching.
This offer is good through midnight Friday May 17th.
If you can't attend the first class tomorrow, we will send you the recording.
You won't miss a thing!
I look forward to having you in class...
if you dare!

 Meditation Class starting
Wednesday May 15TH 8-9:15PM EST


through all of the intensity you are being asked daily
to clarify what you want as you simultaneously are creating
and receiving your creations.

To help you in this process, beginning May 15 (8-9:15 PM EST),
I will be teaching a Beginning Meditation class on Wednesdays for 6 weeks,
through Seven Levels Coaching.
This is a wonderful place to learn tools and gain insights to what you want
and how to bring into your life.

Meditation is all about you finding You,
 focusing on simple tools and techniques to help you get grounded
and stay grounded, as well as to find your space and protect it.
Meditation is a great way to connect to your energy and
de-stress as well as to help heal and clear the body of disease and pain.
This course is offered as a tele-course. Course cost: $175.
This class is open to everyone regardless of meditation experience.

Sign up today at

and start off your summer and new life
clearly knowing that you are ready for everything that you desire.

Live beyond your wildest dreams!

Monday, May 13, 2013

Do You Dare?

 Meditation Class starting
Wednesday May 15TH 8-9:15PM EST


through all of the intensity you are being asked daily
to clarify what you want as you simultaneously are creating
and receiving your creations.

To help you in this process, beginning May 15 (8-9:15 PM EST),
I will be teaching a Beginning Meditation class on Wednesdays for 6 weeks,
through Seven Levels Coaching.
This is a wonderful place to learn tools and gain insights to what you want
and how to bring into your life.

Meditation is all about you finding You,
 focusing on simple tools and techniques to help you get grounded
and stay grounded, as well as to find your space and protect it.
Meditation is a great way to connect to your energy and
de-stress as well as to help heal and clear the body of disease and pain.
This course is offered as a tele-course. Course cost: $175.
This class is open to everyone regardless of meditation experience.

Sign up today at

and start off your summer and new life
clearly knowing that you are ready for everything that you desire.

Live beyond your wildest dreams!

Monday, May 6, 2013

My Guinea Pig Made Me Gamble

In 2007 I adopted a guinea pig that looked just like a horse.  He had a big blaze on his nose and a star on his forehead.  I named him Pi after the horse in National Velvet. 

After a few weeks of living with me he declared that he used to be a horse but he didn’t like standing around alone in a pasture all the time.  He chose a guinea pig body because he really liked hay.  He was still working on the size difference and thanked me for taking care and listening to him.

Just before the 2008 Kentucky Derby Pi made another declaration.  "Big Brown is going to win but watch out for the filly". I decided that I would find out how I could place a bet and then proceeded to go completely unconscious and forgot completely.

The next day I found out that Big Brown did win and that the filly (which rarely run) tragically died after breaking 2 ankles; euthanized on the track. WOW!

I asked him how he knew this stuff and he told me he knew Big Brown from other horse lives.  It was then that I began to see the connection of horses and guinea pigs. 

My, experience up till then, has been very much on the guinea pig side but the following summer I went out to a few stables and began to see so many of these horses that had been guinea pigs and vice-versa.  I was amazed at the size difference but there is a great similarity in how they live and what they eat and their social behavior.

In the years since I have always checked in with the Kentucky Derby, sometimes picking the winner but not placing a bet. Finally, last year when I took the plunge to bet I had no sense of who was even running!

But this year, while waiting for a table at one of my favorite restaurants w/*, I found a list of the horses and gave a short glance. Orb was my favorite and of course Golden Soul! This time I took the challenge and placed my bet. There was a lot of energy on that. Odds, trustworthy places to bet, is this legal?

I tuned in for the race and there it all happened! From behind, Orb took the whole show and amazingly Golden Soul came in 2nd!

Pi passed away 4 years ago and when he died I saw him as an amazing horse bounding away. I am so pleased that he turned me onto this amazing communication with horses.

I dedicate my winnings to my sweet, beautiful guinea pig, Velvet Brown Pi.

Thursday, February 28, 2013

Odie’s Astral Body Was Jacked.

One of the healings I offer is an Astral Body Healing. Astral bodies are very much like physical bodies, it is the spiritual body that you dream with. It is the next less dense body from the physical, an exact copy that clips into the physical. Astral bodies take on a lot of energy. Astral Bodies help to clear energy before it hits the physical body. It can also hold on to energy thus rendering the physical body impaired in some way. When the astral body is the effect of this energy they can look very different than the physical body it reflects. Sometimes this energy is not even from this lifetime.

I gave Odie a healing a couple nights ago. It was an astral body healing, not a usual healing that I do with animals. Odie’s astral body was jacked. His astral body looked like a fossil. Not just bones, but bones that had turned to iron. It was like a spine, rib cage and lower jaw that had fossilized. So, when Odie slept and came back to his physical body this armature pinched and grabbed his little body. He has always had a hard time waking up. He growls and lunges if you even say good morning. It has always seemed that he is disoriented, not sure what is real. I have always thought this was primarily because he is blind (Odie is blind due to severe glaucoma which forced the removal of both eyes), but now after seeing his astral body, I know that there is more at work here.

(drawing of Odie's Astral Body and Odie)

 When I began the healing of his astral body, the armature demanded that I just look at it. Hold space for the pain that Odie has endured and have reverence for the dramatic shift that was taking place. Odie was unsure of what else there could be if this were not part of his reality. I moved it off to the side and let it and Odie rest. In the mean time I helped him rebuild his astral body, restoring from the original blue print from this lifetime; what he came in to be. I saw Odie as a little puppy, cute and perky and sweet. This is just a small part of a big blue light that encompasses Odie’s whole spirit. After bringing the original blue print in, Odie was much more open to letting the old armature go. He allowed me to erase it. I can still see that he has a mental image picture that it is still there, but it is de-energized, holding no charge. It sits outside his aura, like a postcard, and everyday is fading more and more allowing Odie to experience what is going on around him without this painful filter. I brought his astral body into present time and clipped it into his physical body. Odie slept through much of his healing and just as I finished clearing out his aura he awoke and smacked his lips. I went to bed.

In the morning I awoke to hear Odie’s familiar growls but there was an added sound of self-soothing. An almost swallowed sound, one that he makes when he is begging for food and knows not to bark. Shortly after that he began to dance around happily prancing and ready for his day. We went for a nice walk knowing that from this day forward all is different. He still may have bad days, but he no longer has to endure the discomfort of a fossilized armature squeezing him all the time.

I have had Odie for almost 2 years now. There is not a week that goes by that there isn’t some major shift. Maybe he’s cranky, maybe he’s happy, maybe I just can’t handle him anymore, it all just keeps moving forward. This week I think we have turned a corner, a new beginning. We have found enough safety to finally have this healing.

Just think, if this can be so profound for a little blind dog, just imagine what it will do for your life

Monday, January 7, 2013

Happy New Year: Let's Meditate!

Meditation Class starting
Sunday JANUARY 13TH 8-9:15PM EST

2012 was an amazing year for me bringing in so many new wonderful changes in my life. Coming and going of my job, a new wonderful relationship, a new cat, traveling, and so many more adventures. I am sure that you have had your share of adventures this past year, as well.

2012 was a year of transition, out of an old paradigm into a new fresh place full of unknowns and wildest dreams.
2013 promises to be no less. The intensity will be of new beginnings instead of tremendous ending, but there will be changes. We started new on 12/22/12 and are creating and receiving our creations simultaneously. I want to invite you to your best year yet.
To help you in this process, beginning January 13, I will be teaching a beginning Meditation class on Sundays for 6 weeks. This is a wonderful place to begin your new and best year yet.
Meditation 1 is all about you finding you – focusing on simple tools and techniques to help you get grounded and stay grounded as well as to find your space and protect it. Meditation is a great way to connect to your energy and de-stress as well as to help heal and clear the body of disease and pain.

This course is also offered as a tele-course. Course cost: $175. This class is open to everyone regardless of meditation experience.
Sign up today at and start your new year and new life off clearly knowing that you are ready for everything that is coming your way. 

Live beyond your wildest dreams!