
Saturday, April 30, 2011

Easy's Tree

I have a beautiful Yoshino Cherry tree in my yard. I planted it last year after my dear cockatiel friend, Easy, took her next step. I got this tree at Gethsemane, a nursery in Chicago. It was the last tree I looked at, in the sale section and had a curve to its trunk (teeny, tiny, little trunk) and was all of $20. I knew that Easy wanted that tree as much as she had an eye for beauty, she also had an eye for a bargain. But when you buy a $20 tree that seems so small I just had to hope that it would survive the winter. 
Who knew what we were in for! It has been a long, hard winter.  At one point there was a 4-foot snowdrift up to the branches of this poor baby tree. There have been 60 MPH winds, soaking and seemingly endless rain. I would look out at the tree and ask if it was okay and she would tell me how happy she was. After it all spring has arrived and today, amazingly enough, Easy’s tree is in full bloom,six months to the day after Easy’s passing.

She show me all the time that as hard as it may appear moving through challenges it can be easy. Sometimes you just have to wait for the snow to melt and wait for the rains to end. The sun in the sky is always shining down healing and loving and life-affirming light is always there. It can be obstructed by whatever we choose, but it is always there, giving and inspiring life.

It makes me so happy to know that there is a tree who was inspired by a little bird that can show me everyday what it is to be still and know. Thank you Easy and all of the nature that you inspire. You are my love.

Monday, April 25, 2011



 Recently in meditation the concept of halos came to me.  Who has them?  Do all religions use the symbol of a halo?  What is a halo?  I began to look at my own animals, all of which have a halo and began to see that a halo represents no separation from God…no separation between Creator and Creation.  It is an energy center that is always receiving, without doubt or question.  Always receiving the right information from the Universe.  That seems to be the journey, returning to the place where there is no longer separate from Creation/Creator/God.  


Fermi, my fabulous guinea pig, pointed out to me that it isn’t about doing anything.  It is about seeing and then knowing that it is done.  There is nothing to solve, just upon looking at the energy/problem/thing is a reflection that it is already taken care of.  It is like watching something float out into space.  There is nothing to do about it so you might as well enjoy the view.  Be happy in the knowing that you are watching this energy travel.  It may be traveling to you in the form of a desire that you sent out ages or seconds ago, or it may be an energy that has been an obstacle to you, a hurdle that you have needed to jump over. Truthfully there was no jumping involved.  By the time it was seen, the leap had already been made.  Now it is time to experience.  Feel the ripple move through you.  Enjoy the wave knowing that there is nothing other to do other than know that energy center is within you, and receive.
 If you have doubts turn to your (or any) animal and ask them to show you.  It is their passion to show us how to receive.


I am offering a SPECIAL 1-hour telephone reading looking at the energy of your Halo.  How do you receive communication with Divine Creator/Creation?  Are there any obstacles preventing you from receiving fully? I will help you remove any blocks or doubts about what you can have in this life.  If you have animals I will see how they are guiding you to deepen your ability to receive.  $90
or email 
to schedule your Halo reading today!

Friday, April 22, 2011

Today is Earth Day

In honor of Earth Day be kind to the Earth.
Be kind to the Animals.
Be kind to the Plants.
Be kind to All Living Beings of the Planet.
But most of all be kind to Yourself.
The Earth would not be here without You.
You are the Light of the World and the Earth celebrates You.
Gentle the Earth,
Gentle Yourself.
Happy Earth Day, Love and Light.

Friday, April 15, 2011

Spring is for planting

Today I dug my very first hole.  I learned a lot of things.  I learned that dirt is heavy. Holes have a lot of dirt in them.  Shovels are awkward. Do not throw your dirt too close to the hole as it will spill back in your hole as your pile of dirt grows. Gloves are extremely helpful.

I am planting a row a hedges in my new yard.  You know, the one with the shed. I am going slowly as I have all summer to plant.  But the excitement of spring and the thrill of having new greenery is infectious!

This is what is left to plant.

And this is where I am now.  It looks a little lonely.

Update: what a difference a few hours makes!
                   By 3:30 they were all planted!

So much for leaving the shrubs for a summer project!  Within a short time I had 3 planted then a good friend came over and expressed an interest in digging a hole and ta-da there were seven hedges planted!  It seemed that they had a pact.  We were all bought together and we will all be planted together.  Each one has it’s own personality and were very clear on where they wanted to be planted.  So, welcome my new yard shrub family.  I think we will be very happy together.  May we all live long and prosper!  :)

What will I dig next!


(original post 4/13/11)

Tilli goes for a walk

Tilli has taken to going for walks.  He hops out of his cage strolls around for 20 minutes or so and hops back in.  I am often on the phone when he hops out.  It is shocking to see a guinea pig walk across your living room!  I think it is really good for him.  He was a rescue and his back legs have always been weak.  I believe he was cage bound.  Big pig in tiny cage. No room to exercise those legs.  He has since moved into a HUGE cage and actually runs around and “popcorns” like a very happy piggy!

Tilli is the sweetest guinea pig and loves to be petted.  Not so much held, he’ll pee on you almost instantly.  But I can sit next to his cage and scratch his chin (s) for ever! Sometimes I think he is a puppy at heart.

Enjoy this little video of Tilli taking a walk.

(original post 3/31/11

Valentine meets the cats

Valentine has been busy lately getting to know his new environment.  He is an amazing eater.  Anything green and leafy he goes to town!  So, I thought he needed a little exercise.  I put him on the floor of the room he lives in and off he went.  he motored around like a speedy little tortoise with no regard for the giant furry creatures who were absolutely fascinated by him.

Five met him first and wow, I think it was love at first site!

Then Francy, she decided to take a sniff. Who is taking the attention off of her?

And finally Hazel, would like to take a taste but can’t seem to get anywhere with that shell thing!  I think they call that posture rubber-necking.

(original post 3/3/11)

My Funny Valentine

I just adopted a tortoise.  His name is Valentine.  I had been keeping my eye out for a turtle and soon realized its hard to find a hibernating creature in the middle of hibernating season! 

Soon after, my little guinea pig Agape had a “hay poke” in his eye.  It actually turned out to be a ¾ “ piece of hay stuck in there.  It took close to a week for it to work its way out.  I think it took a tour of his brain! Well, that required a vet visit and as it was not as stressful a visit as Fermi’s was just days before I had the clear thinking to mention that I was looking for a turtle.  The receptionist looked at me strangely and I told I thought that people might turn in turtles to them on occasion.  She laughed and said they had just gotten one in today! Mere hours before!  He was a Greek Tortoise and was very sweet.  She brought him out for me to see and we ooh’d and ahh’d.  I said put me on the list for that guy!!  He stayed at the vet for about 2 weeks to make sure he was healthy and on 2/8/11 he came home with me.

What is remarkable about this story is that Red Door Shelter turned Valentine into the vet.  That is where I adopted Hazel from and Agape introduced us at an open house!  AND for the week before I met Valentine Hazel was nowhere to be seen.  Spending her evenings somewhere else.  I had even mentioned to someone that I thought she was working on the turtle thing!

These are the moments that it is so much fun to communicate with animals and see how they communicate with us.  Who ever are meant to be with you will find you no matter where they have to go do it.  I guess that is the lesson of all love.  Happy Valentine’s Day!! Squeeze your loves!!

(original post 2/14/11)

Not for the Faint of Heart

 This is what I have been through the past 2 weeks.  I had a failed community experience with my 3 guinea pigs which left my beloved Fermi with a bite that abscessed and needed to be opened and drained.

I have flushed some nasty stuff (2 years ago Agape was neutered and then abscessed on both sides…I referred to that experience as flushing junk out of Agape's junk) but this was the worst.  Having to squirt lid into that wound then sticking a swab in there full of cream.  It never felt like a bonding as it did with Agape.  Fermi and I were expelling a demon.  There was something growing in us that had to go.  He used his body to show me my spirit.

The first night his little (not really) wound closed and needed to be reopened, the same the next morning.  There have been a lot of tears and sobs and squeals and so many horrible sounds that happen when things are being extracted.

(this is after 1 week)

I am happy to report that we are all healing.  Fermi's wound has completely closed and healed and my spirit has restored and is turning all that garbage back to love.

(2 weeks)

I am happy to report that we are all healing.  Fermi's wound has completely closed and healed and my spirit has restored and is turning all that garbage back to love.

One of the miracles that I have seen from this experience is that Fermi suffered from congestive heart failure.  He had symptoms of coughing and runny eyes and since his wound he has had no symptoms at all.  Fermi has the strongest heart I know.  My Love.

(original post 2/4/11)