
Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Piggy Pick Up from the Pound!

 Today I began one of my favorite pastimes. Driving animals to one destination or another. I spent about a year doing spay/neuter shuttling for Red Door Shelter . That is where I met my beloved Hazel.

Strangely how after I met her I felt I didn't need to do it any more....Now don't getting any ideas that I am getting another pig...I am enjoying the energy of another little being passing through. 

Well, today I am volunteering for Critter Corral. I received an email yesterday that there was guinea pig at the Anti-Cruelty Society (that is where Five came from)
(Five newly home from Anti Cruelty Society, tiny boy...big ears!! He still cuddles with Francy, too!)

and if I could pick him up. Well, of course!! How could I turn down such a fabulous opportunity to hang with a pig! So, I have him now happily munching on greens and hay in my healing sanctuary. Off we go to Hinsdale tomorrow to drop him off with the Critter Corral team who will make sure he is as perfect as he is and adopt him out to his new fabulous people! I love to be part of the travel of an animal to their final destination, a leg on the journey.

So, welcome and so long to the adorable little piggy boy who I am affectionately calling Bow in honor of my sister's amazing new dog, Bo (he is getting a reading tonight so I thought it appropriate!).


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  1. I just read this over, and noticed the picture of Jen's dog--is Bo a Cavalier?? My Sophie is half Cav half Beagle, but has a little face just like that. What a sweet puppy (though this was a month or so ago--any new pictures?)

  2. yeah, kind of lost some blog steam, but Bo is a Japanese Chin they believe. Super cute. I have not met him yet, but look forward to it!!
    Thanks for commenting! :)
