
Monday, May 3, 2010

update on the rose colored glasses…a visitation.

I am always amazed at what happens when I ask for something.  I have been asking for a long time for a sign, or a message.  Why does everyone else see God, but I struggle seeing anything?  Well, I realized that what I am looking for and am given is very real.  A visitation that happens out in the world with seeming regular people...or so I think!  Here is my latest visitation experience.

While I was at the Morton Arboretum
fair 2 weeks ago I noticed there was a service dog. He was only wearing a vest so he was not for the blind. He was a companion for a young boy who I had the pleasure and honor of chatting with. We were both enjoying some hand made soaps and he told me very excitedly that he had tasted everything and smelled and touched everything and that he loved it all. Anything he could get his hands on. He said, smiling "my problem is too much pleasure". I put my hand on his arms and said that is not a problem. We chatted some more and as he began walking away I said I like your rose colored glasses (which he was actually wearing)! He came back and stood right in front of me and said "you know that these are glasses, right? They are not sun glasses!" I said "I know, they are rose colored glasses". and as he turned to go I said "You know the only time they don’t work is when you take them off"…he turned and gave me a thumbs up and said "Exactly".  Seriously? Really?
Wow. Who could have planned that! It seems that I might have gotten the lesson! I was and still am floored by that experience; enjoying it so much. I guess its like butterflies, when you ask to see them they show up!

I have been greatly inspired and have since purchased a pair of rose colored glasses for myself to keep reminding me that the only time they don't work is when I take them off.

Enjoy seeing the world anew!

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  1. My favorite sunglasses in my whole life ever were a pair of rose-colored Serengeti Drivers. They got bent in an accident in which my car was totaled but my bf and I were unharmed. They're unwearable, but I keep them as a collector's item because they're so beautiful. I've never been able to find another pair that compares.

  2. These glasses are about to be all the rage!! (Or rather, all the joy!)

  3. Great story Lisa!! It sounds like a new pair is just waiting for you....they are all the rage...uh, JOY!!! (thanks, Jen!!)
